Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Not much going on

Ha, I am already slacking. 

This weekend we went to Toledo Bend to "camp", the reason for the quotations is the fact that when we go there we are in a cabin. The boys call it camping so we do. I got sick on the 1st night, so the boys rented a boat and went fishing on Sunday morning. They had a good time, Nathan and I were exhausted when we got home. 

Yesterday it rained so Nathan canceled the practices last night and we went to Alexandria. We went to eat and Nate took the boys to see Madagascar 2 while Cooper and I roamed Target for 2 hours. Super enjoyable for me. I miss Target so much. Then after the movie we went to the mall, we decided we should get some new tires while we were there. We had needed them for awhile, but kept putting it off. Our car is like driving a new car with these tires. So worth the $$. 

Anyways that is what is going on here. We are trying to figure out our Thanksgiving plans. The boys have a dentist appt. next Wednesday and then Gavin gets out at noon. After that we are planning to send the older boys to Granny's, but we will see,,,,,

1 comment:

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

I wish we had a weekend to go camping! I am sure you guys had a blast! Oh and YAY for Target for 2 hours!!!!