Wednesday, November 19, 2008

ChChCh Changes...

Well, I have chopped my hair off. I can't believe I actually got the courage to finally do it. I have wanted to do it for about 6 months but chickened out every time. This time I went in with the style I wanted(Kate Gosselin's hair from Jon and Kate plus 8). I did modify it a little. It has been super easy to fix. I thought it might be difficult seeing as how I have wavy hair, but I have been pleasantly surprised. I don't even blow dry it anymore. I let it dry and then flat iron the ends under. I am still having a hard time deciding if I like the look on me,but I guess it will grow out if I decide it isn't. I am not great at posting pics yet, so sorry they are kinda in a funky spot.

Cooper has recently decided to be a toot lately. He just got over being sick so I think his neediness is not going away. He is a major mama's boy, but mama needs a break. Ha. I am starting to think he is teething again. He is becoming such a good walker, I think he is starting to prefer it to crawling around our house. He is so much fun.

Elijah is Elijah. He has been a little difficult lately. He really needs to be around other kids, but things just never work out for us. His preschool was flooded after his 1st day, so he hasn't been back. He is so attached to me lately I can barely leave him at Mema's and Peep's. He cries every time and runs out in the street after me unless he is busy when I sneak away. I am having a hard time with it too, It really breaks my heart to see him so sad. He is really the sweetest most loving boy, he just snaps every now and then. I am thinking I need to get him tested to wheat allergies.

Gavin is liking school more I think. He is so good at memorizing the memory verses and prayers. I am so impressed and his teacher is too. I knew he had the memory of an elephant!! I am just amazed that he can learn long paragraphs word for word at his age. He started football and while I can say he isn't the best at it he does enjoy it, which is more than I can say for soccer. He hated soccer and I have no clue why. I will try and get some pictures of him playing this weekend.

Nathan is working hard as usual. I think he is ready for a break at Thanksgiving. He is overly exhausted. He has had training this week, so he has been working 12 hour days and it is taking its toll. He isn't able to spend a lot of time watching and playing football with Gavin and I think it is hard for him. He is doing a great job of straightening things out at youth sports. I have had several people tell me how much better things are now and that is what it is all about.

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving if I don't post again.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Not much going on

Ha, I am already slacking. 

This weekend we went to Toledo Bend to "camp", the reason for the quotations is the fact that when we go there we are in a cabin. The boys call it camping so we do. I got sick on the 1st night, so the boys rented a boat and went fishing on Sunday morning. They had a good time, Nathan and I were exhausted when we got home. 

Yesterday it rained so Nathan canceled the practices last night and we went to Alexandria. We went to eat and Nate took the boys to see Madagascar 2 while Cooper and I roamed Target for 2 hours. Super enjoyable for me. I miss Target so much. Then after the movie we went to the mall, we decided we should get some new tires while we were there. We had needed them for awhile, but kept putting it off. Our car is like driving a new car with these tires. So worth the $$. 

Anyways that is what is going on here. We are trying to figure out our Thanksgiving plans. The boys have a dentist appt. next Wednesday and then Gavin gets out at noon. After that we are planning to send the older boys to Granny's, but we will see,,,,,

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today is the day!!!

Get out there and VOTE!!!!!!! Remember you can't complain if you don't vote. I am sure there will be no conclusion today as much as I would love for it to be over.

Sorry there have been no pictures added. I am still waiting for Mitchell to come back home with the cord. I meant to take pictures with my camera for Halloween, but I forgot it. So I have a few decent pics, but they are on Mitchell's camera. I feel like such a slacker for not posting pics. I also realized what a slacker I have been with poor Cooper. I have tons of pics of him, but very little video. Our video camera is seriously screwed up. It doesn't work well, and the battery life is zero. We got it from my mom right before Gavin was born, so it is 6 years old. I guess that is a life span of a video camera. So poor poor Coop doesn't have any video of him walking. Yes, he is walking!!!!! Sorta. LOL!! He can make it across the living room, but his perferred transportation is crawling. He is an expert at least.

He did trick or treat walking to one house for picture sake. Other than that he was in the stroller or being passed around to hold. We had a great time trick or treating, everyone loved their costumes. Poor Eli, everytime he knocked on a door nobody answered. He wanted to knock so badly. Gavin didn't want to stop. After every house he would say, "I am not done yet". Everyone had a good time and that is what it is all about. So hopefully I will have pictures up soon. Hint, hint Mitchell, it is time to come home. I know how much you love Leesville.

Remember to vote!!! Like you could forget.