Friday, April 17, 2009

3 months!!!

So, long time no blog....

I would love to make up an excuse why I haven't blogged in awhile, but truthfully I just didn't feel like it. I am not big on writing and I don't feel very entertaining when I do, so I just didn't. Sorry, I am a bad blogger, I know. 

Everything is peachy in the Rider household, we are just trying to survive spring break right now. The older boys are fighting as I speak, imagine that. We just got back from Easter in Mount Pleasant and then a mini trip to San Antonio. We had a blast, but everyone was tired. Cooper had a cold/allergies/teething/cough/crankiness most of the trip. So that was not fun, but he really was a trooper. San Antonio was a lot of fun, we got to eat at 2 of the restaurants featured on Diners Drive-Ins and Dives. They were both wonderful. We also went to Sea World, where my highlight was feeding and touching a dolphin. It was so amazing. I didn't know you could even do that there. The zoo was as fun as ever. We go to the zoo, any zoo really, whenever we get a chance. We have been to the tiny Alexandria zoo about 5 times since we moved here. We have a zoo pass so it is free and the boys love it. 

The boys are getting bigger every day and making me sad. Gavin is playing t-ball and loving it. Woohooo!! First sport he actually enjoys and asks to go to!! Eli is playing pee-wee t-ball and of course he loves it. He loves anything that involves running around. Cooper is running everywhere he goes and his favorite words all begin with ba sound. He says: ball, bottle, bye, bubba, and bbllllleellla(bella). They are sound similar, but I can decipher what he is saying as only a mommy can. Oh, his favorite word is actually Eli. Everyone is Eli. It sounds like Eyyiiii. If Cooper wants attention that is what he is yelling. So funny. He keeps us laughing every day, but that boy is a handful.

Well that is all for now, hopefully I will be back before another 3 months passes me by.